

The Automated teller Machine (ATM) deserves some commendation. Here it goes.  1. The ATM never makes mistake in debiting and crediting. Have you noticed it debits when you debit and has never credited you for debiting. It also does not miss its maths. It deduct exactly what should be deducted and not a dime less. The owner is happy and sleep in peace.  2. It is a very faithful servant. Once it's owner decide not to pay, the ATM cooperate with "out of service, dispense error...." and the owner sleep in peace.  3. The ATM does not get scared and cannot be bullied. Go with any mood, it does its job and does not give a damn and the owner sleep in peace.  4. A very gentle thing. Cry, scream all you want, the ATM never respond and the owner sleep in peace.  5. You cannot bribe the ATM. Any money you deposit through it goes straight into your account and not its own account. It does not defraud it's owner and the owner sleep in peace.  6. The ATM is ve...


A simple story to lighten your mood. Kuicy is her name.. She is a young woman, pretty, five feet plus, chubby cheeks, average size, mild manners but quite a smart one. Her smartness had helped her find her way through several life terrain including finding her way, through illegal means, to a foreign country. Her slogan was "do your work", also her way of dodging inquisitive questions too probing for her. She will simply reply "do your work" and walk away.  Her smartness had made life easy for her until a slip made it play a fast one on her. She decided she wanted more. She's been living in the country and working without proper papers without anyone suspecting her. Kuicy lived a simple life and able to pay her bills. She was still single. Well, she decided to embark on a new assignment that would fetch her some real income. She actually had business skills as a personal natural gift and also had a diploma in that field of study, but illegally upgrad...


All experts will tell you that the closer to nature and natural, the better for you. Natural is free and does not cost much.  Most of our modern processed stuffs and artificial lifestyle reduce lifespan. Nothing is as refreshing as fresh air. No air-conditioning system can do for you what fresh air can do and it is free. I am not canvassing a troglodyte lifestyle (savage who live in caves), but you can still harness the free gift of nature in your home, even though modern in design. You can be modern in the natural.  An added advantage of strolling in your compound with your loving spouse and children while plucking mango, orange, apples, berries, cashew, etc, from trees in your compound, eating them raw and fresh. A few pineapples, etc, will spice it up.  A great health benefit and cost saving too. Few things are as powerful as walking about in your spacious compound filled with well arranged nature. Proper planning can fix this. Surro...


Some call it sitting room, palour or other names.  Many poor  live in houses without such : one room for the family, shared with others two room self-contained, etc. Unfortunately, many kids from poor homes never had the experience of a family living room, all they knew was a room or two for the family; sleep anywhere you can (most often on the floor), wake early to quickly use the one or two restroom and bathroom that they and other tenants share (some go to the bush or bathe outside in makeshift bathrooms under the open sky), leave the room for one another when privacy is needed, etc and generally survive in such an uncomfortable accommodation.  The idea of the living room was splendid. The architects or whoever conceived the concept had a good purpose. The living room is meant to be a mini recreation place for the family. You go out each day to hustle and work, pass through various forms of stress and then return home. The home shoul...


Rest is good. The dictionary defines it as  Rest [n.]: Hence, freedom from everything which wearies or disturbs; peace; security.  Well, the world is not really so, but best to go for a life of rest as much as you can. The bedroom is a symbol of rest.  A place of sleep where your mind is removed from all troubles. What if that translate into your reality. Consider a life that replicate these kind of bedroom. You can create it. A few tips that may help.  1. Don't pursue what will destroy you. Consider well. Ask, "will it come back to haunt me or destroy me ?" If yes, leave it. 2. Sorrow is when you miss what you do not have, peace and rest is when you celebrate what you have. Stop being sorrowful over what you do not have, consider what you have and enjoy it. Tell your mind to enjoy the moment. Arrange that small house to be as comfortable as you can make it. The truth is this, no matter how long you live in this world, ...


Opportunities are the spark, the ignition of your dreams, they catapult you to great heights if properly managed. They are the settings and chance that often come unannounced to bring you success and a fulfilment of your dreams. The mystery of opportunities is that you have no control over them, they are as elusive in calculation and mysterious in appearance. They come, they go, all on their own. Recognising and managing opportunities is fundamental to your success in this world. You will do better if you can recognise, catch good opportunities coming your way and recycle them. Be on the look out for them, for people often miss them. You have no idea how many people have thrown opportunities away through ignorance and not seeing them as such or how many opportunities fizzled away because they were not recycled. By recycling, I do not use the word in the sense of picking what is discarded as waste and trying to bring it back to original shape. If you have to start recycling ...


Here are a few tips on how you can be a better person and radiate a good character irrespective of the bad character others display. Others may be bad, but be good. Let's try to make this world a better place. A few things you may live by to make you good.  1. Before doing anything to anybody, ask first, What if they do same to me, how will it feel ? If it will hurt you, then don't do it. Try practicing it and within a short time, you will see yourself refrain from many bad things you would have done.  2. Consider the long term negative impact what you are about to do will have, not only on those you want to do it too, but also the chain effect on others. The reason is this, every good or bad done will always go beyond the initial receiver of the deed to extend to others. Example : You steal someone's money, his or her dependants will be denied of what they would have got. Stories go round, you are labelled, those who may have the opportunity to hit you back wil...