The Automated teller Machine (ATM) deserves some commendation. Here it goes. 1. The ATM never makes mistake in debiting and crediting. Have you noticed it debits when you debit and has never credited you for debiting. It also does not miss its maths. It deduct exactly what should be deducted and not a dime less. The owner is happy and sleep in peace. 2. It is a very faithful servant. Once it's owner decide not to pay, the ATM cooperate with "out of service, dispense error...." and the owner sleep in peace. 3. The ATM does not get scared and cannot be bullied. Go with any mood, it does its job and does not give a damn and the owner sleep in peace. 4. A very gentle thing. Cry, scream all you want, the ATM never respond and the owner sleep in peace. 5. You cannot bribe the ATM. Any money you deposit through it goes straight into your account and not its own account. It does not defraud it's owner and the owner sleep in peace. 6. The ATM is ve...