Here are a few tips on how you can be a better person and radiate a good character irrespective of the bad character others display. Others may be bad, but be good. Let's try to make this world a better place. A few things you may live by to make you good. 

1. Before doing anything to anybody, ask first, What if they do same to me, how will it feel ? If it will hurt you, then don't do it. Try practicing it and within a short time, you will see yourself refrain from many bad things you would have done. 

2. Consider the long term negative impact what you are about to do will have, not only on those you want to do it too, but also the chain effect on others. The reason is this, every good or bad done will always go beyond the initial receiver of the deed to extend to others. Example : You steal someone's money, his or her dependants will be denied of what they would have got. Stories go round, you are labelled, those who may have the opportunity to hit you back will target you or your dependants in retaliation; the chain effect is in motion spreading to others, most innocent. I have, over the years, observed that there is no act of good or bad that does not create a chain effect that will touch others or lead to other things. The chain effects might not show up in the immediate, might be in the long term, but it will always spread to others. You teach a child bad or good stuffs, he or she will teach others and they will teach others....whatever you taught the child is then passed on. This is how traditions were passed on from generation to generation. Someone in power and position started a practice centuries ago that the subjects must also follow, whether good or bad. It became a routine, got passed on from offsprings to offsprings and tradition was established. Some tribes in Nigeria, in spite of education and exposure, still do new yam festival every year and even become a public holiday, just to celebrate yam. Someone in power started it centuries ago probably for a reason; maybe to encourage farming, etc. You get my point. Before you do it, consider the chain effect for good or bad. You never can tell where it will lead. If you insult a mother, she tells her kids and generational hatred begins. You hurt a man, he tells his friends and relatives and family hatred start. This is how many ethnic and societal bitterness and war started. The law of reciprocity is also real. Any stone you throw at others will always come back to you or your offsprings. You see, good has a way of coming back, though might take a while, probably years, likewise bad too. Best to always do good. 

3. Determine to be kind. Discard all vulgar and swear words. Remove all insults and begin to smile and speak sweet to others. Be courteous always, caring in your approach. 

4. Throw away all selfishness. Always be willing to offer help according to your ability. Don't wait to be asked. 

5. Recognise the fact that you will always encounter nasty and bad character in people, that is the world for you. Therefore, always take it in your stride and move on. Never let that affect your being good. You may want to avoid the deliberately troublesome ones. 

6. When others are good to you, always consider being good to them in return. Always reciprocate kind gestures. That does not seem common in the world, be different. Start thinking, "all those who have been good to me, what good have I done to them in return ?". Now go and start reciprocating. 

7. Keep your words. Don't be frivolous with promises. If you will not do it, don't promise it. 

8. Once you notice you have made a mistake, quickly apologise and move on. Saying "sorry" does not hurt you, it helps you. 

9. Just a caution. You will have enemies, you cannot help it. Some won't just 'dig' you, though you have not done them any harm. Keep away from them. Your being good should not make you become careless and open your life to enemies out to destroy you. Be friendly, but be wise. 

10. If you cannot feel the pain of others, you laugh at death and disasters, you lack compassion, seek help, you have a problem. Too many of such in the world already, the less of such, the better. 

11. Try your best to be a good father, mother, good children to your parents, good to your siblings and good to all you meet, even if you don't know them. At the market, at the train stations, airports, on the road, while shopping, everywhere you go, smile, be happy, ignore people's coarseness and be different. Offer people seats. Don't push others out of the way, let them pass and then you pass. Wait your turn at queues. Appreciate those who attend to you at counters, simple "thank you" can light up their day. 

12. Are you owing and ought to pay, ensure you pay. Don't run from meeting your obligations if within your means. The habit of owing and running that many have is a bad character, throw it away. Don't deliberately use borrowing to defraud people. 

13. Be faithful to those who are truly yours. Others might be unfaithful to you, don't copy them. Keep people's secrets. Be straight with people. Let your "yes" be yes and your "no" be no. I hope you have good spouse, good children, good siblings, good relatives, good in-laws, good friends, etc. If so, you are fortunate unlike many others. Be faithful to them. Be known as a faithful person who will never turn to stab their own in the back. Do you belong to a group or a society and they are selling out becoming unfaithful to the common good cause of the group; instead of joining them, stay your course. If they change, fine. If not, go your way. Don't join  them. Don't bend because others are bending, don't turn because others are turning. Let's have more good people in this world to help make this world better. Be one of us. 

14. Being good have many benefits. Health wise, you have peace of mind. You are not afraid of the law, you have not committed any crime. You have no reason to look over your shoulders. Your only watch is those who hate goodness, watch them and avoid them. You sleep well, you bear no grudge nor harbour bitterness. 

You make friends, not enemies. You are not afraid of retribution coming against you. Might eventually mean you live a simple life, trust me, it is far better than being bad. Above all, GOD will be happy with you and that is the most important.  

(C) Tosin Oke 


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