Opportunities are the spark, the ignition of your dreams, they catapult you to great heights if properly managed.

They are the settings and chance that often come unannounced to bring you success and a fulfilment of your dreams. The mystery of opportunities is that you have no control over them, they are as elusive in calculation and mysterious in appearance. They come, they go, all on their own. Recognising and managing opportunities is fundamental to your success in this world. You will do better if you can recognise, catch good opportunities coming your way and recycle them. Be on the look out for them, for people often miss them. You have no idea how many people have thrown opportunities away through ignorance and not seeing them as such or how many opportunities fizzled away because they were not recycled. By recycling, I do not use the word in the sense of picking what is discarded as waste and trying to bring it back to original shape. If you have to start recycling a wasted opportunity, you will be too late. Recycle, in my context, is laying hold on still active opportunity and making them yield more opportunities. To do this, take note of the following points.
1. Opportunity is like an egg, it has the potential to multiply depending on management. You can either crush the egg or hatch it. Opportunity open doors for you, spot the persons it used to open the door and stay in their goodwill. Throwing away key players in the opportunities that came your way can quench the breeding capacity of opportunities. Many have made such mistakes. Once they got what they wanted, they are gone, never looking back. You must never forget that majority of people in this world are only looking out for themselves; only few people will genuinely go out of their way to make things work for you, even at their own expense; such people are rare. Cherish such people, you might not have such in a long time to come. One thing enemies do is to drive helpers away, don't become your own enemy.
2. Keep popping the corn. Look at the opportunity and see how you can harness its potentials for more opportunities. Give that chance your best shot. Arrive on time, make the goods available in the best condition, appear well without faking it, do what you are told to do in the best way possible that they will always come back for you, be positive, be good, ensure you make everyone happy and satisfied in a good way; that opportunity have the chance of living and breeding more. If you have any bad character that drives opportunity away from you, best you advice it to stop. What have you been consistently doing as bad character, over the years, that have kept you at the same spot; best you identify it and get rid of it. Stop the attitude of using people and discarding them in a selfish manner, word will spread and you know what that means. It will also come back to haunt you too.

3. Don't be desperate, don't act desperate. Desperate people scare others away. Desperation will make you tell lies, overreact, deceive, fake it, stress others or even kill. All these will kill opportunities very fast. Just be yourself and be at rest.

4. One way to ensure opportunities keep coming for you is to also create opportunities for others, as you do so, your own opportunities will breed for you. Simple step. Look at a person that is good and consider how you can help in their chosen field of endeavor; do what you can to help them; create the chance they need that is at your disposal, it will also somehow work for you.

Firstly, there are those who never rise. Secondly, there are those who rise for a while and then crash, not to rise again. Thirdly, there are those who rise and keep rising. Be in the third group.

(C) Tosin Oke
Global Motivation 


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