Rest is good. The dictionary defines it as Rest [n.]: Hence, freedom from everything which wearies or disturbs; peace; security. Well, the world is not really so, but best to go for a life of rest as much as you can. The bedroom is a symbol of rest. A place of sleep where your mind is removed from all troubles. What if that translate into your reality. Consider a life that replicate these kind of bedroom. You can create it. A few tips that may help. 1. Don't pursue what will destroy you. Consider well. Ask, "will it come back to haunt me or destroy me ?" If yes, leave it. 2. Sorrow is when you miss what you do not have, peace and rest is when you celebrate what you have. Stop being sorrowful over what you do not have, consider what you have and enjoy it. Tell your mind to enjoy the moment. Arrange that small house to be as comfortable as you can make it. The truth is this, no matter how long you live in this world, ...