𝑯𝑢𝑾 𝑻𝑢 𝑺𝑯𝑢𝑾 π‘ͺ𝑨𝑹𝑬

A few ways of showing care you might want to begin to do to make your own world within your space a better world for you. 

I say "within your space" because you cannot change the whole world, but you can do the best you can with only the very few you have control over and who will obey you, to create an environment of love and care. I have tried this on some occassions, but have discovered that even after several explanations on why we should all love and care for one another and me proceeding to go all out of my way, even to the point of sacrificing, to display the love and care, many still don't get it. To some, showing care makes them believe you are a vulnerable person "or why else is he helping people, he must have a weakness" they seem to reason. This world has fast become very brutal, only a few still tend to want to have a semblance of caring feelings. Only that few still make this world worth living in. Well, within your own space, practice caring for people and wish they reciprocate since many have no idea how to do so. This present population of the world seems strange to me. 

I have discovered caring is therapeutic, I feel warm and rereshed when I perform acts of care; there is a soothing feeling that comes with it, anger and bitterness weigh you down and gives you uneasy feeling, but caring for others gives you a good feeling, you are happy and sleep well. Try it.  I actually prefer to care, it is better than hatred. Try eating alone compared to sitting at dining with others and enjoying meals together in an atmosphere of friendliness, laughter and joy. You will agree the latter is better. No meal is as sweet as the one you eat with others, even if a simple meal. Imagine having a huge mansion filled with all good things and lots of money, cars and good food, yet only you live there. No spouse, no kids, no friends, no one to talk or share with. You go out clubbing, spending spree and come back to a quiet house with no one. How does that sound ? Madness, you will agree. Good, rich life, acquired in a clean way is good if it is filled with noise and laughter of those who truly love you and you love them. I still wonder how can people be selfish in this kind of a world when making people smile and happy is one of the best therapies for both you and them. Caring is good, practice it. Here are a few caring tips. 

1. Know people's names as much as you can.
2. Note those who truly cherish you and not out to play, deceive or take advantage of you and care for them.
3. Give attention to those who truly and sincerely call for it.
4. Be ready to share with those who truly deserve it.
5. Take note of the lonely and care for them.
6. Show empathy.
7. Avoid vulgarity, always be nice and polite, even while driving on the road.
8. Be generous with "how are you doing ? hope you are okay ? is everything alright ? how can I be of help ? etc."
9. Pick your calls whenever you can and always return both received and missed calls. Stop ignoring people.
10. Find time for those who wish to pour out their hearts to you, listen to them and also keep their secrets.
11. Give to the needy to the best of your ability. Never wait to be asked before helping others. Give in a dignifying manner. Don't treat people like beggars. True care does not wait to be asked.
12. Create warmth all around you, keep smiling always.
13. Learn to forgive, mistakes happen, forgiveness cement relationships.
14. Always reciprocate kind gestures. It enhances mutual care and bonding.
15. Never foster strife or quarrel. 
16. To the best of your ability, ensure the lonely have company, arrange good, faithful and trustworthy live in help for the elderly. Never allow the elderly lack good, caring and comforting company. Be their good company where able.
17. Always remember birthdays and anniversaries, give gifts when able.
18. Distance yourself from the brutality in this world and keep your character free from societal contamination. Be caring, be different. Be the odd one (though the good one).
19. Be a person known to be good and loving both in manner and in deeds.
20. You cannot satisfy all, just do your best and avoid those out to take advantage of your caring nature to deceive or defraud you. 

Start practicing all these and with time it becomes your nature. Create your own world of love and care in your own best interest. Only few might positively respond, it is still better than strife and bitterness. 

(C) Copyright Tosin Oke


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