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In a normal world, emotions are delicate and should be carefully handled, unfortunately, this world has become abnormal. When I look around and see things people do to one another, I marvel, I wonder if people still understand emotions. I believe not all those we see around have emotions; I think they are just automatons. When I see the brutal ways people speak to others and does not sense each others emotional cry, I marvel. 

Well, for the few who are still normal and wish to remain so, learn how to hear the emotional cry of the heart and respond appropriately. One of the greatest wounds you can give to a person is emotional wound or hurt, psychiatrists know the depth of damage it can do to a person. This is a major reason why transgenerational hatred fester, yes, emotional hurt can be passed from generation to generation. Once people are emotionally hurt, they will find an outlet for their hurt, they must speak or they will burn within, their first heartcry will be to their loved ones. Yes, when a person is hurt, those closest to you are the first you unburden your heart to. An inferno is ignited because nothing hurts a person as much as seeing the cry of those they love, they will never forget it. A very gentle man spoke with his daughter in the boarding house on the phone and heard her crying bitterly telling him the wicked way her teacher treated her. The girl was actually correct, the teacher just hated her. She sobbed on the phone in an heartbreaking manner. The man couldn't hold it throughout the night, he had no rest. He went to the school the following day, walked into the class and had it rough with the teacher. The gentle man left him momentarily. This is what emotional wound can do.  Transgenerational and ethnic clashes leading to genocide have arisen because of this. Many wars have been fought because of this. Read the story of many tribal and ethnic clashes and you will be shocked to discover many of such were simply revenge for a single act of emotional hurt perpetrated hundreds of years before. Best to learn to respect one another's feelings and act accordingly. 

Real genuine women are more emotional than men, women are emotional being thus they talk more than men and will always look for an outlet for their hurt be it their children, husbands, friends, parents, relatives, etc. They often tend to end up confiding and opening up to those they should not open up to creating more problems, a major reason your woman must be treated in a careful manner. If you are married, one of the best gifts you can give to your woman is a listening ear. Always devote time for this, quality time indeed. You will help both yourself and your family. A woman will open up to any one she feels free with and always ready to listen to her and comfort her, be it a man. When a woman get free with you, husband or not, they tell you anything. This can make them vulnerable to the man and if care is not taken, lead to adultery. When women who are deeply hurt go for counselling, they speak non stop to get rid of the heart wound and they will say anything and everything, even to the opposite gender. When your woman spend more time talking to another man more than she talks to you, your alarm bell should start ringing. Don't fight her, you will drive her further from you, simply draw her close and pay attention to her. One way to push a woman away is to start ignoring her. 

It is an extremely wicked thing to take advantage of people's emotions. You use those they love to play them, knowing once they hear their cry they will respond. A strategy kidnappers (now adultnappers) use. They take your loved ones and your heart get wounded, they then begin to make demands of you before releasing them, knowing you will do anything to secure their release. People curse one another, but a very strong curse and very potent are the ones issued when people are emotionally hurt. You touch their spouse, their children, their parents, their siblings, their family, friends, etc, and they get deeply wounded. They might not be in a position to get physically back at you and thus revert to their only means of vengeance; curses. Such curses are potent. Some proceed and use different objects and charms to curse you. Some use oil, Salt, knife, gun, etc, some even strip themselves naked to curse you. Never take such curses for granted, they are extremely deadly. Some use people's emotions to set traps for them. They, wanting to kill them, say their loved ones are sick or need their attention urgently, their victims instantly set off and walk into an already laid trap. Many have been killed this way. 

I understand this world we are in have no respect for people's emotions, I try to be as civil and polite as often as I can, but I have since discovered that many have no time for your politeness and if you are too kind, they will either take advantage of you or even use it against you. That is the world we live in.  However, this does not mean we should stop respecting each other's feelings and responding positively to one another's heartcry. 

As much as it lies within your means and to the best of your ability, respect and cherish people's emotions. Emotional wounds run very deep. Remember, many weep in secret and whatever they say as curses while weeping because of you, will come to pass. 

(C) Tosin Oke


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