Munta is a criminal that determined never to be caught. He took advantage of the Alibi in law to escape arrest and prosecution. 

Alibi [n.]: The plea or mode of defense under which a person on trial for a crime proves or attempts to prove that he was in another place when the alleged act was committed; as, to set up an alibi; to prove an alibi. 

Reasonably, under the law, you cannot be arrested for committing a crime when you were not at the scene of crime, quite logical. Munta explored this. He simply disguise himself with several disguise kits at his disposal to make him look like someone else, an old man. He first allow his neighbours to see him around his house, greet one or two persons around and then excuse himself to go watch the television. He lived alone. He enters his house, turns up the television, so nearby people could hear, place his phone on silent, leaving it on the dining table to ensure the location place it in the house. He does this at night, as from 9pm, when people hardly visit so no visitor can come at that time. He actually bought the small house through proceed of crime and personally worked on it to create a back door, well concealed in such a manner that no one would ever know he has a back door that opens into a nearby bush no one dare go near at night. He actually trained as an artisan and still help people fix their house repairs once in a while, a way he get information on who and who to rob. He has enough tools to break into any home. He was not a violent person and does not use any weapon. He only break into homes when people are not at home. From his job for people, he knows when they travel and will not be around for a few days, that is when he breaks into their homes at night and operate undisturbed. He is so good at what he does that he can open all locks, enter the house, steal all he wants, nothing heavy that could weigh him down, simply take money and nothing else that could be traced to him; he will carefully replace the locks as if they were never tampered with. No one ever see him break into any home. Whoever spot him while going and coming at night simply see a poor old man going about minding his own business. His perfect disguise was that of an old man. He never use the same old man disguise twice. He keeps changing them for each burglary. He was never suspected. Some people whose house were broken into, later realising their locks were tampered with to gain access, even still ask him to help fix new locks without ever suspecting he was the thief. He had never hurt a person in the course of his crime since he never rob when people are home. He picks his target carefully. Never goes to homes with security guards or CCTV. No evidence, perfect Alibi. A few times Police questioned him, he claimed he was in his house at the time of crime. His neighbours confirmed it, TV viewing record confirmed it and his phone location confirmed it. He never leave fingerprint evidence, he wears gloves to operate.  He never takes the stolen money to any bank. He keeps them at home and spend to get things he wants. He was also quietly saving up. Once he has enough money, he plans to sell his house, relocate abroad, marry, raise a family and live happily ever after. 

On this fateful day, he went to rob a house. He knew the family would travel and was sure no one would be home. He didn't know their grown daughter, a university student stayed back. Her name is Perous. 

It was at the last minute before the family trip that some freshers in school asked her to help solve an assignment for them. Perous was academically sound and helped fix assignments for students at a price. She made cool money. The money was good, so she decided to stay back home, work at night to solve the assignment and deliver in the morning. She had a boyfriend. She was with him on campus at a night cafe till around 10pm before deciding to go home. The boyfriend, a Judge's son called Frank walked her back home. Munta was already inside the house stealing their money. Just before reaching the house, Frank bade her goodbye and started going back, he had not gone far when he heard Perous scream. Perous had reached the door and saw the lock open, she also heard movement in the house. She screamed out of panic. Frank and neighbours heard her scream. Frank doubled back and reached her too fast. He pulled her back, advising her not to enter, since whoever is in the house might be armed. Munta also heard her scream and panicked. He knew there was trouble. A few neighbours looked out through their window. There was only one escape route, the same door he came in through. Munta ran out through the door and took off. Frank and Perous saw an old man sprinting like silver winning Olympic medallist. Neighbours peeping through their window also saw him. Frank chased him, a few young men walking pass heard Perous and neighbours shouting, pointing at the running man. They joined the chase. Perous and neighbours started calling the Police. Frank caught up with Munta and grabbed him. Unfortunately, his hand caught his disguise, pulling off some clothes. Frank stumbled and fell, Munta kept running. Frank was hurt, but held on to the clothe he pulled from Munta. Few night people coming and going saw what was happening and joined the chase. Munta ran into the bush leading to his concealed backyard door and disappeared into his house. People stood back, no one dared entered the bush.The Police arrived and entered the bush. A Police dog was hurriedly brought to join the hunt. Frank had given them the clothe he pulled from Munta. He was already on the phone with his mother,  Judge Juby, telling her all and saying he was hurt in his leg. Perous was crying, being held by neighbours. The Jugde was already speaking with the Police at the spot on phone to ensure the thief does not escape and that her son be kept away from trouble. 

The Police dog sniffed the clothe pulled from Munta, entered the bush and ran straight in the direction of Munta's house, heading directly for the concealed door. The Police followed. Munta knew he had to leave fast. He quickly changed clothe, pulled a bag, packed a few things and headed for the front door. He was gone before the Police discovered the concealed door and  broke it down. His house was thoroughly searched and all evidence discovered : disguise kits, burglary equipment, lots of stolen money Munta hurriedly left behind (there was no time to dig them out of hiding), etc. 

A manhunt was launched and Munta was eventually caught and arrested while trying to buy another disguise kit so as to leave the country undetected. He did not know that his picture had already being discreetly circulated to all those selling disguise kits. The shop owner recognised him and alerted the security. They held Munta until the Police arrived.  Judge Juby tried the case. 

(C) Tosin Oke
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