Hello readers, guess you have been hearing of the rise in artificial intelligence. 

We now have some as apps that will do virtually everything for you, no matter your profession. They will write for you, design for you, compose songs, letters, etc, for you. Just ask and they do it all. Robots are also been produced to replace humans in many endeavors. They can teach, perform surgery, play games, shop for you and do virtually all a person can do. We even have some built as real women that will do everything a woman can do. I recently got an app with so much ability as artificial intelligence that all I need to do is just sit, tell it what I want to write and it will do the rest. These virtual 'guys' can design websites, prepare presentations, answer virtually any question on any subject on earth and even teach you any food recipe you want to know. They can diagnose you and do your health check, measure your calories,...the list is endless. They even have audio functions to serve as friends, companions and chat partners. You can sit and talk to it like a real person and it will talk back to you. 

I decided not to be using it, except for some casual functions that will not affect my tasking my brain and mind. These are my reasons I think we all can consider. Your brain and mind feed on use and functionality. If you stop exercising your mind and tasking your brain, you mind and reasoning will start depreciating. When you interact with people like you, sit, think and do stuffs yourself; you do your maths, dot your "i" and cross your "t", you reason out issues and find solutions, etc, you are growing your mind.  When you depend on artificial intelligence, you kill your mind. These new tech innovation have their own use; they can supply you with raw materials to work with. We all use Wikipedia, dictionary, encyclopedia, search engines, etc. These supply us with information we can process in our brain and then work with. These latest artificial intelligence inventions do all that too and it is good. My only grouse is that they take it further, they think for you and become your brain. This to me can kill the mind. Example ; you want to write a letter, it will do it for you. You want to do architectural or engineering design, it will do it for you. Your brain simply goes to sleep. This to me will destroy the human mind and brain. Kids will no longer need school and offices will no longer require human employees. Artificial intelligence in form of robots and machines will simply do away with us. Your ATM can be upgraded to serve as bank cashier just like a real person but a robot. A President of a country can go to sleep while a robot sits in office and function like a real person. The stage will then be set for a maniac to wipe us out and replace us with machines. This i hope will not happen. I advice you keep using your mind and brain. Put them to work lest they go to sleep. I am not saying we reject artificial intelligence completely else you throw away your phone and other technological gadgets you use. My point is this; let us find the balance that will not make us lazy, kill our brains and threaten our existence. On a lighter note, here is a joke to buttress this point. 


Samoon was an Asian in Botswana, an African country. She depended on artificial intelligence to do all she wanted. She studied and graduated in Botswana with the aid of artificial intelligence. She had the device in her pocket connected to a wireless tiny earpiece. The earpiece stays in her ears, the device in her pocket. The device is activated for her voice recognition only, all she has to say is "what is this" or "what is that...."  as a whisper nobody notices and the device in her pocket instantly responds to any question asked with accurate answers. She receives the answers directly in her ears via the very tiny (near invisible) wireless earpiece like a transparent colourless device with tiny holes at random in them for air and set to auto adjust to general sound frequency as appropriate for both outdoor and indoor. It sticks to your inner ear like magnet; does not fall off nor go into your ear, perfectly blends with your ear and gives no irritation. A Japanese made tech. Once she gets home, she removes it, take the device our of her pocket until the next day. This was how she passed all her exams and did all she had to do in Botswana. It gives her directions to anywhere she wants to go, teach her food recipes, help her at the supermarket to translate labels, respond to questions and help her find her way around. She watches TV and it translate the programmes to her Asian language. She was cool and never bothered to learn the Botswana way of life. The only catch is this; the device works with an app that performs all the functions mentioned and can also be used offline.  

She always opted for oral options in her exams. Her assignments and written thesis were all done by the artificial intelligence that she could link with a printer at home. The printer transcribe the answers the AI gives and prints it.  Life was good for her in Botswana and she decided to get a job there after graduation. Keyrock bank in Botswana was employing, a big bank in Botswana. Samoon applied and was asked to come for interview. Asians love martial arts and are known for their karate and kung-fu skills. They also had apps for different martial arts. Samoon must prove to her interviewers that she could speak the Botswana language before she will be employed. All questions will be in the language and she must answer in the language since she will attend to Botswana customers if employed. Non of their customers speak Asian language. Samoon was cool with that, she trust her device to get her through. 

On the morning of the interview, just as she was to enter the interview room, she reset the app to interview in Botswana language. The artificial intelligence will accutately answer any question asked and give the answer in the Botswana language spoken. She simply has to repeat verbatim what it relays to her ears. She was used to it. It had brought her this far. Unfortunately, she made a mistake. Instead of setting it to "interview in Botswana language" she, mistakenly set it to "martial arts in Botswana language". Remember, she could neither speak nor understand the language. Her entire dependence was on the device. For our convenience as readers, I will write what transpired in the language in English. Samoon entered the interview room and sat facing the three member panel of interviewers. 

They had other engagements coming and were in a hurry. They liked her, being a foreigner and really wanted to employ her. They decided to go straight to the point. She already wrote in her application letter that she was fluent in their language, so no problems. They asked in their language meaning "what are your skills ?". The artificial intelligence in her pocket was ready and running, mistakenly set to martial arts, it responded in the same language meaning "my skills are tiger claw, fist of fury and crouching tiger". Samoon smiled, cleared her throat and replied verbatim, all in the Botswana language as relayed in her ears. The three interviewers looked surprised and exchanged glances. They decided to ask more questions, not yet getting what she was up to. "What do you have to offer us in this workplace?" , still in their language that Samoon did not understand. The artificial intelligence made in Japan, one of the best, was up to the task. "Some of the best defence and attack skills, assassination if necessary". Samoon repeated it verbatim in the same Botswana language relayed in her ear. The three interviewers now became alarmed, this must be a contract killer here to kill us. She is not even hiding it; they began to whisper among themselves. Tiny drops of sweat began to break out on the forehead of the only female among them. The other two were men; bank manager and secretary. They had no fighting skill. They began to calculate their way out of this would be assassin looking at them. People must not hear a woman beat them here.  One of them, the manager, began to consider why he had not yet concluded his travel plans to America via Mexico, if not for his in-laws who asked him to stay back for a while.....The other man, the secretary, said quietly to himself "I almost transferred out of here, but for that girl always dancing for me in this, I can't die today". Samoon did not suspect anything was wrong. There was an ominous silence she did not understand. They were fidgeting and exchanging glances; that woman looks scared, she noticed but didn't know why. Well, Samoon felt thirsty, she stood up briskly and made to go for the jug of water on a table beside her meant for thirsty applicants here for interview. That was when pandemonium broke out. The three interviewers crashed into one another as they made to run out of the room. Chairs crashed, files and paper fell as they literally fled the room in fear. Samoon was shocked, her mouth open, her hands stretched out in confusion. 

Few seconds after, three heavily armed security men entered the room ready to shoot. All guns aimed at Samoon. 

The above is not a true story, all names and incidents are fictitious. Just to buttress the issue discussed. 

Tosin Oke


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