𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒆𝒔

It is in your best interest to have more friends than enemies. 

Simple common sense; friends help, enemies destroy. To advance in life you must have help, no one goes far without goodwill from those who know you and those who don't. To have many who like you and are always willing to help you or do whatever they can to make your plans succeed makes succeeding in life easy. The more the friends, the easier life is. Friendship is good networking for success. 

You combine resources, complement one another and rise faster in life. If many hate and despise you, success will be difficult for you. Unfortunately, many make more enemies than friends because of mistakes they make in relationships. Good motivation teachings must address this error. Take note of the following tips on making friends, it will aid your success in life. 

1. Help people anyway you can in a sincere manner. Some might not appreciate it, some might be indifferent to your help; never mind, the good ones, might be few in number, will eventually reciprocate. When you are selfish and cannot go out of your way to help, people will despise you, when you call for help, they might not respond. 
2. Learn to overlook simple offences. Don't be petty, always getting offended over minor issues. You must know people will make sincere mistakes, just as you do too. If you take offence over all issues, your friendship will reduce and enemies will increase. Just watch out for the deliberate wicked ones and avoid them. As you and friends offend one another and forgive one another, it strengthens your bond, with time you will get to understand one another. Petty and irritable people drive people away instead of attracting them. When you just start relationship with people, you might not understand one another initially, but as you stick to one another in love and mutual adjustment, your friendship will eventually blossom. 
3. Keep people's secrets. When you divulge people's secrets, they will run from you. Enemies will increase. 
4. Always reciprocate good things others do for you. One of the things that suffocate friendship is when you are always demanding, receiving but give nothing back. When they give to you or help you, do same for them too. It strengthens your bond. If you do not reciprocate, people will soon get tired of helping you and begin to avoid you. Reciprocating helps them to do more. 
5. Be positively outgoing. Visit people as often as you can, go with gifts if you can. Don't just sit in your house expecting people to always come looking for you. They will soon stop coming and you will be left alone. 
6. Don't deliberately hurt people, you will breed enemies against yourself. 
7. Stop saying bad things about people, gossiping them and spreading bad stories about them, you will make enemies against yourself. 
8. Reduce violence. Violent people scare people away. No one feels comfortable around violent people. 
9. Learn to entertain guests to the best of your ability. Simple refreshments for guests can work wonders. 
10. Never be the type that turns up only when you need help. Never allow people to get convinced that the only reason you call or visit is to collect. That is bad PR. It will eventually drive help from you.
11. Remember, you never know when you will need someone's help, therefore make positive deposits in people's lives through kind words and acts, even when you need nothing from them at the moment, might be useful the day you really need their help.
12. Stop insisting on always having your way; you can't always be right. Accommodate other people's wish that will not hurt you. Two of you are on a trip, you wish to take the left route, your partner wish to take the right route, since both will lead to the same destination, once in a while, let them have their way. Strongly opinionated people who does not care about others and their opinions, but everyone must always do whatever they say cannot keep friends for long. 
13. Things happen and you might eventually have to part ways from some people, this can often not be stopped. When such happens, don't go about revealing the secrets they kept with you while the going was good between the two of you. You never know the future. Things go round. When you develop such a reputation that when you part ways with people you take them to the cleaners, people with start getting cautious around you, this will not help you.
14. When you borrow money or things, return them. This is very important. Never take people's kindness for granted. Borrowing and not repaying will drive helpers away. Friends will reduce.
15. Keep your words and always fulfil your promises. It builds trust and strengthens friendship. No one stays long around promise breakers and those whose words cannot be relied upon. 
16. Stop telling lies, it is bad PR. 
17. Keep to time. Don't always keep others waiting due to your habitual lateness, they will soon delete you from important events knowing your lateness will mess things up for them. Friendship will reduce and ties will break.
18. Keep away from the enemies of your good friends who have always stood by you. When you court the friendship of the enemies of those who truly love you and sincerely help you, they feel betrayed and begin to hate you.
19. When your friends quarrel, be a good friend and go out of your way to settle their differences. Be known as a peacemaker. Do not aggravate the situation by making it worse. Once friends know you will always bring peace, they love you the more.
20. Now be a good friend. Reach me here and let's chat 

Or go here and leave me a message in my contact 

Copyright Tosin Oke


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