Have you seen university students just graduating and wearing their graduation gowns with the cap on the head, looks good doesn't it ? The graduation gown signifies something, it is a product of battles fought and won. This battle started when you were still a kid. You passed through nursery, primary and secondary education many call high school. The higher you moved in education and the closer you got to the graduation gown, the fiercer the battle. Nursery does not place much demand on you, the battles are next to nothing. To graduate from nursery and primary are no big deal, just ensure you don't stop there. If you opt out at that stage due to fear of confronting the fierce battles of higher education of day and night lectures, exams, tests, sleepless nights, loads of books to read, assignments, researches, projects and diverse practicals, tutorials, group studies, etc, that might span over a few years, you will never emerge to wear the graduation gown. 

The law is this; just as the fruit is the spontaneous consequence of the seed fighting through germination and growth, laurels and graduation are the spontaneous consequence of academic battles fought and won. Battles do something to us, if we fight, it turns us to champions. This is an inner change, the metamorphosis activated by battles. Unless certain battles are encountered and fought, certain changes will not evolve in you, permanently damaging and stagnating you in life. Some battles are for your good. Assuming you stopped at primary or secondary school, try all you may, you will never have the reasoning and abilities of a university graduate, unless you educate yourself in other ways. You don't just wish to become it, you fight your way into it. 

When I speak of the graduation gown, I speak metaphorically. The graduation gown stands for the evolution of the champion that manifest in who you have become; what battles fought and won have turned you into. Battles fought and won work changes in you for your good. You might opt not to pass through the convocation ceremony nor wear a graduation gown, though you graduated; but whether you actually wear the gown or not, being a graduate, product of academic battles fought and won will actually manifest in you. The graduation gown was already placed on you as you fought through the rigorous academic process. I opted out of the convocation and gown wearing ceremony (I didn't wear a graduation gown for good reason) when I left the university, but nobody can deny the fact that I am a graduate. If you need a certificate to prove you are a graduate, your education has an error. An encounter with you should make it clear you graduated. Graduation should show in you. I once boarded a cab, the taxi man started talking about issues of life, within five minutes of his discourse I knew I was listening to a well learned man that life has not been fair to. I engaged him in discussion and his intelligence was first class. Further discussion revealed i was listening to one of the best graduating students of his day. He didn't show me his certificate, he was driving a taxi. Graduation showed in him. This is what battles do for you; they turn you to something different, far better than what you were. Listen ! Without battles fought you remain just the way you are. The reward of battle is the product of battles fought and won. Politicians fight to get to office, professionals with high paying income fought academic battles to get there, etc. Mediocrity is the spontaneous consequence of running from battles. Those who run from battles end up as losers in life. They just won't fight. 

Confronted by any obstacle or battle in life ? Take it in your stride, find your way around it and out of it; there is always an answer somewhere if you only know where to look. Life does not pay us the same wages, it values us based on battles fought and won. You must cross obstacles to rise in life. Obstacles don't just move, you move them. 

For goodness sake, get up and keep going. Fight ! 

Tosin Oke
Tosincreations images are my copyright and available for sale. Reach me. Click Global Motivation Speed above and go to contact page to reach me. Also click three lines upper left, go to contacts and reach me. 


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