To motivate is to move to action, what many lack, thus their remaining at the same spot throughout life. You see, Action Ignites Vision, this is where motivation comes in. Action also must be guided in wisdom, this is where success principles come in. Many have no vision, they simply go through life and pick whatever they see, often leftovers and crumbs. Those who rise in life deliberately go for it. Those who simply wish for it hardly get  it. When we say motivation, we mean spurring you to act in such a way and manner that will ensure you succeed in life. Many are into motivation, I salute you all. Motivating others is also a big job just like other major professions. It is worth millions of money. It can raise many. A brief introduction of me. 

Also known as Apostle Tosin Oke. I am a minister of the Gospel and also adding motivation to my profession. The world is filled with professionals in different fields and industry, nobody can know or do it all. Motivation is a most needed industry. Motivators don't need to know science and technology. They don't need to work in big companies or experts in all fields; we are here to move you to success. We are here to move professionals and those in the corporate world, artisans, young and old, etc, up the ladder of life. 

You move into positive action that will run you, your education, your expertise and your mind to attain great heights in life. I am here to move you. Somebody shout  "FIRE ON !". You can attend the best higher institutions, you can have first class in diverse fields of study, you can know science and technology, yet not be able to move. I can move you. Let's talk. Here are some appetisers, more available in my social media pages. 

Edge: a slight competitive advantage (ex.: he had an edge on the competition). 

Fountain incorporated was hiring and many applied. The vacancy was within the administration department. Many were desperate to get the job. They all had the necessary qualification. Douglas too wanted the job, but the competition was thick. He needed an edge. For some days, he dug up all he could about the company and their operations. He checked out their competitors and their market status. He did some thinking, devised an edge : how to make the company better and outsmart others. At the interview, others presented their qualifications and answered all questions according to standard practice of "Yes and No". Douglas simply sat down and told them the company's history, the problems they are facing and the solution he brings. He said he was not there for their money, but to help solve their problems. The interviewing board applauded him. He got the job. 


The Edge. Part 2.
Johnson was a roadside vulcaniser just like many other vulcanisers. There were other vulcanisers around him. The competition was strong. All kinds of cars come to them for tyre repairs and other tyre issues. Car owners are all from different positions and status in life. The poor, rich, high, low, connected, aristocrats, corporate and non corporate, government officials, etc, all patronise vulcanisers. He needed an edge to rise in his profession, believing in a law of success : All professions, no matter how menial, have inherent potential in them to make you great, provided you know how to harness those potentials for maximum productivity. He refused to despise his profession like many others do ; a major step to failure. He applied a law of success : You must be marketable to attract good customers. Customers are all sorts, quality customers who stay and constantly patronise you are often attracted by your professionalism, packaging, courtesy and quality job you do. You must appeal to them for them to stay. Johnson repackaged himself. He tidied up his shop, added colours, even though it was by the roadside, you could spot it miles away due to the loud and beautiful colours he applied. He put up beautiful signs of different types of tyres around his shop. They were conspicuously displayed to attract most attention. He arranged a few seats for his customers under a shade where they can seat and relax while he worked on their tyres. He also cleaned up the  restroom and made it look good in case they need to quickly freshen up. He put water and tissue papers for both male and female use. He didn't have much, but he managed to put a carpet on the floor and beautiful flowers in the corners. He brought his television and put it in a strategic position for customers to watch while he worked on their tyres. He adjusted his personal mannerism. He comes out to meet you before you pack your car, greets you warmly and enquire about your welfare. He gives your complaints full attention and offer you a seat. You don't stand under the rain or Sun while he attends to you, you will be comfortably seated while he work. He added drinks and biscuits stand for customers to buy if need be. THE BEST AND THE MOST IMPORTANT PART IS THIS ; HE DOES A GOOD JOB FOR ALL, HE GIVES HIS BEST. He printed complimentary cards and give to his customers, he also collect their phone numbers. The first thing he does each day is to call the customers of the previous day to enquire about their tyres if the repair they got is still satisfactory. He began to chat and develop close rapport with his customers. Some became his friends. Customers rushed him. Professionals and rich customers came, he was attracting them in droves. He employed more hands to assist in the rush. He gave his staff strict rules, they must all be courteous and respectful and must do the best job. They violate this rule, he sacks them immediately. He began to add home tyre service for rich people too busy to come sit while he work. They simply call him on the phone and he goes to either their houses or offices to fix their tyres, of course at extra charges. He made money. He proceeded to buying and selling quality tyres in his shop. His shop became a one stop shop for all your tyre needs ; repair, purchase, installation and maintenance. This takes the stress off his customers. Just drive in and all your tyre needs are instantly met. He always say the truth and never disappoint them. He attracted rich customers and professionals in large number. Anytime he hears they are marking a birthday or having festivities, he goes to attend and give the gifts he could afford. HE WAS NOT JUST AN ARTISAN, BUT ALSO A FRIEND AND WELL WISHER. HE DIDN'T SHOW INTEREST IN THEIR MONEY, BUT IN THEIR PERSON. This many lack, thus their business never move up. He sends out greeting cards to his customers during ceremonies. Johnson became an overnight success in his business. 

Edge 2. Offer Your Customers What Others Do Not Have and They Will Come for You. 

I have several motivation pdfs in circulation. Access to my works and links to my other works available in my website at the end of the page below. Got a video for us all. Just go here

Click the three lines upper left, scroll down to translate option, click and translate to other languages you wish and share. 

Please note, all stories above are fictitious and my own creation, I still have more not yet released. Interested book/novel publishers are free to reach me for collaboration. All uses of my works must be with attribution to me and renumeration as appropriate. Thanks. 

Tosin Oke


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