If you have lived in a well illuminated home, you will not wish to live a different life. A home that has adequate and constant power supply via several power supply channels abundant in the world and just in infancy in my country; is a very comfortable home. It hardly has a dull moment. You can have non stop entertainment on TV, Internet, games, radio, and other modern gadgets.
Several lightning systems customised for various comforts and settings within the home makes your home feel like a recreation center. Chandeliers, lighted aquariums, other lighted home decors many companies now offer can make you forget your sorrows and relieve you of stress. Just go online and see what marvel some lightning systems and gadgets can turn your home into. The truth is, without full and constant power supply, you cannot enjoy many comforts that can make your home a place of rest and sweetness. I check food delicacies on social media, the gadgets you need to prepare some of those delicacies must be powered. New ones keep coming up. The Internet is full of so many nourishing food ideas and innovations. I see new gadgets advertised daily, good for home cooking inventions. You need constant power for such. You know how it feels when enjoying a programme or using power for something important and then you have sudden power cut. It becomes worse when you have power cut at night. Your air-condition, washing machine, refrigerator, clippers, home gym, etc, all must run on uninterrupted power supply. If you have never experienced such a life, you might not understand the beauty of it. I believe for such a life too. Without full, adequate and continuous power supply at home, especially at night, the home becomes like a graveyard. The way the world is moving, generators for power supply will soon become obsolete. My passion now is to flow along and jettison my generator that demand daily expenses for emerging modern power supply options that run without draining your resources. From what I see, generators will soon become what firewood is,  compared to modern power supply options. Rising high cost of fuel, maintenance, etc, will fix it. Dig more into this subject, click the three lines upper left for Wikipedia search. Just type "Power Supply" and search. For quicker access, go here

That was just a foundation, let's go to the point. The difference between a dull life and a radiant and sweet life is full and constant power supply. I mean light, continuous light. 
1. You must be informed about the latest and best practices concerning your business.  Keep updating. The way you did it years back might no more be relevant today. Design change, style change, taste change. Step up. You are bringing light into your life.
2. You should also try diversifying in business. I mean try and have more than one source of income. Think, what other things can I lay my hands upon ? As you do this, you are flooding your life with light. 
3. Help others. You will need people to rise. You are bringing light into your life. We all know you tend to be very reluctant to help those who saw you in need and never lifted a finger to help you, even though they could. This is natural. Change your attitude, you are bringing light into your life. 
4. Don't frown your face, make good friends. You are bringing light into your life.
5. Getting the life you want is what you will need to work towards. Some discipline and temporary denial so as to eventually reach your goal might help. Example : instead of buying that expensive car, why not buy a cheaper one and use the rest of the money saved in another business venture. You are bringing light into your life. Those who cannot deny themselves of some comfort for the moment, might not get the best life they desire in the long term. Many spend so much money on clothes, shoes, recreation, etc, yet live with little or nothing left in their pockets. Weigh your options, cut unnecessary expenses and keep running towards your target. A day will come when you will comfortably afford those things without feeling the pinch. That is light.
6. Without positive ideas, discipline, focus, unselfish nature, being at the cutting edge of your business, temporary self denial for more permanent future comfort, your life will be dull. The opposite is light. 
7. More importantly, enjoy life one day at a time. Give yourself a long term plan to achieve the rest. You still live in a room, don't complain. Clean it up. Make it the best you can make it and sleep joyfully.  You need a clear state of mind for you to make informed decision. Cook what you can afford for now, but make it the best. The present moment has its own advantages, it is a passing phase you need to enjoy. You might not have it again. One day, you will look back at where you started from and say "I enjoyed it while it lasted". 


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