Good day Doctors, how is your day ? What a great job, lifesaving with diverse perils if not careful though. 

Medicine and surgery is one of the best professions, though there are certain disturbing practices in medicine I would prefer be adjusted. I deeply wish so, though cannot do anything about it, beyond my tuff. I also hear from news and documentaries that there are killer Doctors and nurses too, guess medical association will keep fishing them out. I wish them success. Well, not my focus here. Let's stay on the positive part ; great job saving lives. Appreciate. I also notice you all dress well and always look good, so many pretty young ladies amongst you. Let me compliment the 'girls', nothing for you 'guys'. No qualms. Man to man here, let's leave this for the 'girls'. Doctor 'girls' Tuale ✌. 

My focus today is on Doctors in Nigeria. So unfortunate many keep leaving the country for greener pastures abroad. Well, i believe you all have your reasons. I am not one of you, thus I might not understand. I wish you well wherever you are Nigerian Doctors. A very disturbing trend in Nigeria now is kidnapping, it has become business as usual; some even use the proceed to train their children in school. Kidnap another man's child to train your own, what a mindset. A very sorry news is the kidnap of Doctors and medical workers. I extend my concern to you all on this issue. Kidnapping is bad, kidnapping medical workers is condemned in its entirety. I hope that one day, all these will end. Today, paying ransom is not a guarantee that your loved ones will be released. They collect ransom and still kill; obviously the original intention disguised as kidnapping. They never intended to release them. Well, not my tuff, it is for the security agencies. I hope all Doctors and medical workers still in captivity will be released and return home safely. 

My other concern is the overreaction our Doctors are displaying. Sorry, but let's reason together in love, no harm intended. Kidnappers want to hurt people as much as they can for their selfish end. We must not let them push us to the same end. Rescuing the kidnapped medical workers is extremely important. This we must all do, but hurting the innocent patients who are suffering and probably will die if unattended to through strike and not working because of kidnapped colleagues, even leaving emergencies unattended to, will not bring any solution, but will kill many innocent patients (contrary to Doctors oath) and simply make the kidnappers happy. This is the present scenario in Nigeria. Doctors go on strike when colleagues are kidnapped. Actually, that cancer patient, kidney patient, surgery case, liver patient, labouring woman, sick and dying men and women groaning in pain, accident victims, transplant case, heart patient, invalid, intensive care patients, etc, cannot rescue your colleagues. They did not kidnap them, why make them suffer for what they know nothing about. By the time your colleagues would have been released from kidnappers den, 500 or more patients would be dead through your strike. This will make kidnappers very happy. You simply play into their hands. Not a good record for you and posterity; hope you understand. No harm meant please. I really think somebody is playing the Doctors in this error of judgement, thus my writing this. Doctors going on strike because of kidnapped colleagues cannot hurt the kidnappers an inch, they are not the neglected patients. Patients die in large numbers, kidnappers go free unless apprehended by security agencies. Who wins ? 

My suggestion. I know the negligence of security agencies, so to say, after months of waiting for them to rescue kidnapped colleagues, is what often force the hands of Doctors to go on strike. This is understandable. I suggest you look for other options that will not hurt or kill innocent patients. Peaceful protests are there to register grievances, withdrawing services from non responding security agencies another option, television interviews to alert the whole nation is another option (some people might hear and help), marching to the relevant state or federal houses of assemblies to register complaint another option (what they are established for, I might hilariously consider that option since they did not include me in national wage increase),  storming media houses to announce grievance to the whole world another complaint, etc. So many harmless ways to get action to secure the release of your colleagues without hurting anyone. 

This is my simple submission and advice, accept it in good faith. To all Nigerians, let us all join hands to do whatever we can to secure the release of all kidnapped victims include Doctors and other medical workers. Let us help please. 

Doctors and medical workers worldwide, I am a motivational speaker. I am available for motivational talk at your seminars, end of the year parties, hospital functions, nurses functions, medical association functions, personal and private functions, medical schools functions and graduation, etc. Try me. My fees are reasonably affordable. Catch ya ! Tuale ! 


(C)Tosin Oke


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