There are always two types of money, the money that belongs to you and the one that does not belong to you. If you live long in this world, you will realize that some don't know the difference between what belongs to them and what does not belong to them and some are so sincere about this error. This misconception has led to so much qarrel, wars and diverse bloodshed. Some actually belief that anything that comes their way is theirs, even in our day to day relations. This is the reason we have so many laws, place gates and fence around our house, are wary of doing business with people and commiting things to people. Our courts are filled with many cases over what belongs to me and what does not belong to me. When I hear news, I say to myself, if only many will stay within what is legitimately theirs, most troubles will disappear. Let's focus on money. Here are some of the difference between money that belongs to you and the one that does not belong to you. THE MONE...