

The boredom of same level over years says "step up". The fatigue of staying at the same spot says "step up". The dullness of monotony says "step up".  Change level, acquire new status, experience new levels, higher taste, touch and taste new things. That is the tonic of life, nothing exhilarating in staying at the same spot over years, it becomes boring over time and takes the fun out of life. Imagine eating the same meal each day, even at a point your body will reject it. Movement is the best form of exercise. Until you experience change you will not feel the gusto of a new level. Go up, Rise, STEP UP !  STEPS TO RISE 1. Visualise the change you want, the new level you wish. 2. Know what it will take to get there. 3. Be ready to make necessary personal sacrifices for good to reach the new level you desire. 4. Go for it.  Rising is like climbing the ladder, you must take the next step up, a step at a time.  Acquire that education. L


When you really sit to figure out this life, if you think deep, you will realise that peace, rest and health are the best.  These are the most scarce commodities. Do not mistake the apparent calm you see in many places as rest. Mind you, wealth does not guarantee rest and peace. Some wealthy live in fear, insecure and always look over their shoulders. The peace and rest I speak of are inner qualities of a state of mind free of fear, insecurity and the fear of retribution. These, no money can buy, if you lack them, your apparent comfort becomes a dungeon. Oh, the wonder of lying down and resting in bliss. You have no care, you are at peace with yourself and with others. This is bliss. Access to this bliss is determined by many factors, some you have no control over. Pray to GOD to help you in that area. The ones you have control over : your values, your relationships, your manner of speech and conduct, your choices, etc, are things you can control to ensure you maintain the


GET THE GOOD LIFE. Good life here means: good, loving and caring family of yours, good and comforting house,  self-sufficiency in basic life amenities where able, a good family fruits, food and livestock farm; preferably backyard,  good and abundant income, integrity and peace, faithfulness in all things, sound health with long life.  1. See it and believe it can be yours. 2. Determine not to get it in a hurry or through wicked or corrupt means. If you get it through wicked means, it is no more a good life and can never fit the description above. Peace, integrity, faithfulness, happy home, etc, will be missing. You will have grandeur laced in sorrow and insecurity. Not a good life.  3. Make it a long term vision, be ready to journey towards it. 4. Don't envy those who have it now while you lack it. Envy will suffocate you. Breathe by loving all even if you lack what they have, that is Oxygen. 5. Pray to GOD about it. 6. Never get desp


Hello.  For those who wish to make their dining better, i dug out some options you may choose from. Let's Go. Well, that will do. Hope you will invite me to lunch. Life is short for those who live once, enjoy it while it lasts, howbeit in a good way and not to hurt others or destroy yourself. Outside is chaos, create comfort in your own home, especially dining, at least do that for yourself. You can't control all that goes on around, but you can set your own comfort in your own house. Don't deny yourself what you can control. Create the calmness you cannot find outside in your own home and pray it lasts. Good evening. Love to hear from you. Also visit my motivation website for more. Tosin oke Global Motivation


1. Those who are wrong are always in haste to convince others they are right. Those who are right hardly bother. 2. Those who cause strife quite often operate behind the scene. 3. Both the guilty and the innocent speak the same language : "Not guilty ", time is the accurate interpreter that makes no mistake. 4. The innocent and the guilty often claim innocence, don't be disturbed, wait, the guilty will repeat the bad act. They always do. 5. If they have done it to others, they will do it to you. Never feel special when those who do wrong pledge allegiance to you; they will one day do the same to you. 6. Those who lie against the innocent will often set the innocent up to commit the crime so the lie will be believed. 7. Those who want you to do bad and be disgraced will often start by telling others you can do it; they then proceed to set you up to do it so they can win. Once they start spreading the rumour of the bad character you do not have; watch your


Bella had only one bicycle as his only special possession.  He stays in a makeshift shed, a farmer, now old, once used as a barn to store his farm produce. The old man has a house of several rooms, he lives in two rooms and rents out the rest to tenants. The shed at the back of the house was no more in use since the farmer no more farm due to age, his grown married children now care for him. Bella is an orphan, his mother conceived in a moment of romantic weakness for a man who simply took advantage of her weakness to impregnate her. The man was poor. He moved his pregnant mum into his one room, tried caring for her until she gave birth to Bella. A year after he was born, his father met an untimely death. His mum was a petty trader with just a wooden stand for her goods by the roadside. She continued paying the one room rent and focused solely on caring for him. He was her only comfort after his father's death. Fortunately for them, the government had a free education p


There are always two types of money, the money that belongs to you and the one that does not belong to you.  If you live long in this world, you will realize that some don't know the difference between what belongs to them and what does not belong to them and some are so sincere about this error. This misconception has led to so much qarrel, wars and diverse bloodshed. Some actually belief that anything that comes their way is theirs, even in our day to day relations. This is the reason we have so many laws, place gates and fence around our house, are wary of doing business with people and commiting things to people. Our courts are filled with many cases over what belongs to me and what does not belong to me. When I hear news, I say to myself, if only many will stay within what is legitimately theirs, most troubles will disappear. Let's focus on money. Here are some of the difference between money that belongs to you and the one that does not belong to you. THE MONE